Our past and current accomplishments include:
Scalar 100 Drive Sled ‘hot swap’ variant – SCSI drive sled for DLT tape library, enabling power-on replacement
Airline Telephone & Storage Systems – telephone equipment for commercial in-flight entertainment
OAPI Flight Test Software – custom software tools in support of Flight Test Analysis Engineers, allowing for more dynamic display and manipulation of data
787 Cockpit Lighting System – constructed the lighting system for the 787 cockpit mock-up, used to test/simulate a variation of lighting settings
Crew Rest System – design of a multi-media console for use within the crew rest compartment
12000 Switch Router – a family of three scalable router solutions for high-speed IP networks
Wildcat Gigabit Switch – market test model for a new line of optical gigabit switches
Blackbird System – detects and defeats cellular phone fraud
Mass Transit Fare Collection – environmentally sealed unit for processing contact-less smart cards
Handheld Information Device – interactive handheld user device and shoulder worn main CPU enclosure
Computer Docking System &
Battery Charging – racks for wearable information computer devices
Rocket Propulsion Systems – power supply and fuel delivery system
Embedded Win CE Development – industrial design for multiple handheld devices
Consumer Pharmaceutical Compliance Monitoring System
Truck Components – cab interior, engine air intake, fender, and cab body components
Rapidly Deployable Mobile Wireless Video System
Device Drivers for Windows and NT – mouse, keyboard and joystick software development
Ergonomic Keyboard – design translation and implementation of the first generation ‘natural’ keyboard
Prototype Table Computer (surface) – design and development of the system control and human interactive components
Test System – scalable hardware, software and firmware package, user-friendly semi-automated interface, and easily configurable platform.
Sonicare Toothbrush – product development for the next generation of toothbrush
Sofware system – monitors and controls a salt water sales system
Engine monitoring system – identifies the source of mechanical failures
Elegra Diagnostic Ultrasound – cart frame for ultrasound system
Monitor Plug-In Module – used to share real-time physiological data among medical monitors
Industrial Controller – computer system to withstand harsh environments
Embedded WIN CE Development
Accelerometer Conditioning Unit – portable data acquisition system for measuring building movement
Visible/IR Tracking Beacon – portable high-intensity signaling beacon used in network system set-up
Field Power Meter – portable signal strength measurement device
Factory Test Set – microprocessor controlled monitoring for food storage control system
Document Finishing Products – a patented automatic book binding system